Če že organiziramo dogodek pod okriljem društva Zlati Goblin, potem na dogodku ne smejo manjkati tudi predstavniki tega društvo s tem, kar znajo najbolje - voditi igre igranja domišljijskih vlog. Tako se bo društvo na MokuMatsuriju predstavilo z dvema RPG-jema: Feng Shui 2 in Dread.
V Feng Shui 2, igri igranja vlog akcijskega filma, igrate junake Vojne čijev in branite usodo človeštva v ogromnem spopadu skozi prostor in čas. Zmaga je odvisna od vaših kung fu moči, ki kljubujejo težnosti, post-apokaliptičnih nagonov za preživetje ali preprostih, staromodnih srbečih prstov. Lahko ste odpadniški policaj, nejevoljen kung fu mojster, vsakodnevni junak, zamaskirani maščevalec ali skrivnostni prišlek iz post-apokaliptične prihodnosti.
Spraviti sintetično drogo z ulice se morda ne sliši kot delo za bojevnike čija. A ko med njenimi stranskimi učinki najdemo spremembo uporabnika v strašno, besnečo zver, ki hrepeni po človeškem mesu, je to popolnoma drugačna pesem. Spopadite se z razpečevalci drog, ki imajo podporo demonov in obvladajo strašno alkemijo starodavnih magov, v viharju pesti, strelnega orožja in čekanov!
DREAD (vodi Tjaž Vračko)
Dread je igra groze in upanja. Igralci sodelujejo v skupnem pripovedovanju temačne zgodbe. Cilj igre je ohranjati občutljivo atmosfero, ki povzroči roko tresoče občutke, na osnovi katerih je ta igra dobila ime. Razburljivost igre Dread je v napetosti med željo in izgubo. Prevzeli boste vlogo nekoga, ki je ujet v zanimivi, vendar nevarni zgodbi - nekoga, ki se bo znašel pred težkimi odločitvami, za katere upamo, da se ne bomo nikoli soočili z njimi v resničnem življenju.
To je grozljiva igra igranja vlog, ki namesto kock uporablja Jengo®. Če izvlecete iz stolpa, vam uspe. Če pa nočete izvleči, izgubite. Odločitev je vaša. Ampak če stolp pade ...
If we are organising an event under the Zlati Goblin Society, then the representatives of this society and what they know best - leading role-playing games - should not be missing our event. The society will present itself on MokzuMatsuri with two RPGs: Feng Shui 2 and Dread.
FENG SHUI 2 (Timotej Rojko)
In Feng Shui, the action movie roleplaying game, you play heroes of the Chi War, protecting humankind's destiny in a titanic struggle across space and time. Victory depends on your gravity-defying kung fu powers, your ancient magics, your post-apocalyptic survival instincts, or your plain old-fashioned trigger finger. You might be a maverick cop, a cranky kung fu fighting master, an everyday hero, a masked avenger, or an enigmatic drifter from a post-apocalyptic future.
Getting a new designer drug off the streets might not sound like a job for chi warriors, but when that drug’s side effects include turning the user into a horrifi,c ravening beast with a taste for human flesh, it’s a different story. Battle demon-backed drug dealers, meddling monks, and the sinister alchemy of ancient sorcerers in a whirlwind of fists, firearms, and fangs!
DREAD (Tjaž Vračko)
Dread is a game of horror and hope. Those who play will participate in a mutual telling of an original macabre tale. The goal of Dread is to sustain the delicate atmosphere that invokes the hand quivering emotion that lends its name to the game. The thrill of a Dread game lies within the tension between desire and loss. You will take on the role of someone trapped in a story that is only as compelling as it is hostile—someone who will find themselves making decisions we hope never to face in real life.
It is the horror roleplaying game that uses Jenga® instead of dice. Pull from the tower and you succeed. Refuse to pull and you fail. The choice is yours. But if the tower falls . . .
It is the horror roleplaying game that uses Jenga® instead of dice. Pull from the tower and you succeed. Refuse to pull and you fail. The choice is yours. But if the tower falls . . .
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