četrtek, 1. september 2016

Animoku Horror Quiz

Tudi na letošnjem festivalu boste lahko sodelovali v kvizu, ki pa se za spremembo od lani ne bo nanašal samo na animeje, ampak bo zajemal celotno tematiko o grozljivkah, ki bo torej vključevala tako animeje kot tudi japonske in zahodnjaške grozljivke ter celo video igre. Tudi oblika kviza bo drugačna od lani, saj smo si zamislili posebno obliko kvalifikacij, tako da bodo na odru nastopili samo tisti, ki se bodo uvrstili v finale. V kakšni obliki bo torej potekal kviz, pa boste ugotovili na samem festivalu. Si upate sodelovati?

On this year's festival you will also be able to participate in a quiz, which will in comparison to last year not only focus on anime but on the entire horror theme that includes anime, Japanese and Western horror as well as video games. Even the form of the quiz will be different than last year, because we came up with a special type of qualification, which means that only finalists will perform on the stage. In what form the quiz will take place, you will learn on the festival itself. Do you dare to participate?

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