ponedeljek, 12. september 2016

Makkon: Manga kotiček in predavanje Japonske urbane legende

Skupina oz. sedaj že društvo Makkon se nam bo znova pridružilo na festivalu, ki ga bo tako kot lani popestrilo oz. obogatilo z manga kotičkom. Tudi letos so zraven manga kotička pripravili še nekaj, in sicer predavanje o japonskih urbanih legendah, o katerem so zapisali sledeče:

V predavanju o japonskih urbanih legendah nas bo predavatelj Andraž Žagar popeljal skozi bolj in manj znane japonske urbane legende. V predavanju se bomo sprehodili čez določene koncepte in urbane mite, ki so bili oblikovani od japonske mitologije in poskrbeli, da izstopajo na svetovni ravni. Zato se nam pridružite na predavanju, da se poučite o zgodbah, ki so skrbele za stoletja napetosti med mladimi in starimi poslušalci.
Poleg tega bodo na dogodku tudi zbirali prijave in prijavnine za njihovo društvo. S prijavninami boste jim obiskovalci pomagali zbrati sredstva za organizacijo dogodka Makkon, ki se vsako leto odvija v mesecu decembru.


The group or by now rather the society Makkon will once again join us on our festival, diversifying or enriching it with their manga corner the same as lat year. In addition to the manga corner, this year they have also prepared something else, a lecture about Japanese urban legends, about which they have written:
In the lecture about Japanese urban legends, the lecturer Andraž Žagar will lead us through more or less known Japanese urban legends. We will look at certain concepts and urban myths which were formed by the Japanese mythology and became world known. Therefore, join us on the lecture to learn the stories that provided suspense to their young and old listeners.
On the event, they will also gather registrations and registration fees for their society. With the registration fees you, the visitors, will help them gain the means for organising their event Makkon, which is held every year in December.

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