Karakondžula je prišla v Maribor, saj si želi veliko veselja in igrivosti.
S seboj je prinesla igre vseh vrst – male in velike, težke in zabavne, lahke in nagajive. Prinesla je celotno malho svoje hudomušnosti ter iz nje izvlekla radost in veselje. Vse to želi deliti z vami.
This year, Karkondžula will join us on MokuMatsuri for the first time. This is a shop that sells tabletop and card games in all shapes and sizes. In GT-22, Grajski trg 22, Maribor, it prepares different events, where all kinds of tabletop games are presented, and tournaments. The description on their site is as follows:
Karakondžula arrived in Maribor because it desiress great joy and playfulness. It brought all kinds of games with it – small and big, difficult and entertaining, simple and playful. It brought an entire sack of its waggishness and took joy and happiness out of it. All this, it wishes to share with you.
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