Na takšnem dogodku vsekakor ne sme manjkati tudi cosplay tekmovanje, ki bo letošnje leto potekalo v malce spremenjeni obliki. Sporočamo vam tudi, da cosplay ni vezan na tematiko dogodka, tako da se lahko preoblečete v karkoli. Samo uporabite svojo domišljijo.
Cosplay tekmovanje bo letos potekalo v treh delih:
V prvem delu se boste sodelujoči predstavili tričlanski žiriji, ki vam bo morda še zastavila kakšno vprašanje.
V drugem delu vas naprošamo, da si že vnaprej pripravite en kratek skeč, ki je lahko tudi skupinski, vendar se bo vsak posameznik ocenjeval posebej, tako da bodite čim bolj izvirni.
V tretjem delu pa boste morali malce improvizirati. V kakšni obliki bomo izvedli ta zadnji del, se še nismo popolnoma odločili, tako da se pustite presenetiti.
Vsi cosplayjerji se na tekmovanje prijavite na samem dogodku in sodelujete v vseh treh delih tekmovanja. Izpadanja ne bo, temveč bo zmagovalec tisti, katerega bo žirija najbolje ocenila. Velja končna skupna ocena vseh treh delov. Prav tako bosta nagrejena drugo- in tretjeuvrščeni.
P.S. Skeč naj ne bo daljši od 5 minut.
What would be such an event without a cosplay competition which will this year be in a somewhat different form. We would also like to inform you that cosplay is not bound to the theme of the event, which means that you can dress yourselves in anything you like. Just use your imagination.
Cosplay competition will this year be divided into three parts:
In the first part, all the participants will present themselves to the jury consisting of three people, which might ask you additional questions.
In the second part, we ask of you that you prepare a short sketch in advance, which can also be a group sketch, but every single member will be evaluated separately, so be as creative as possible.
In the third part however, you will have to improvise a bit. It is still not decided in which form this part will be executed; so let us surprise you.
All cosplayers will sign-up for the competition on the event and will participate in all three parts. There will be no dropping out; the winner will be the person with the highest grade by the jury. Valid is the final joint grade of all three parts. The second and third place also recieve a prize.
P.S. The sketch should not be longer than 5 minutes.