Takole, pripravili smo dve verziji plakata oz. letaka za letošnji MokuMatsuri. Vse zasluge za nastanek teh mojstrovin gredo Teyi G in Fluffy. Hvala.
So, we prepared two versions of the poster/flyer for this year's MokuMatsuri. All credit for the creation of these masterpieces goes to Teya G and Fluffy. Thanks.
Do sedaj smo naš dogodek samo dražili, vendar mislimo, da je že nastopil čas, da začnemo počasi razkrivati, kaj vse vas čaka na letošnjem MokuMatsuriju.
Kot prvo želimo razkriti tekmovanje v igri s kartami Weiß Schwarz, ki ga organiziramo skupaj z našo sorodno skupino Weiß Schwarz Slovenija. Tekmovanje je sponzorirano tudi s strani proizvajalca Bushiroad, ki bo poskrbel za nagradni sklad tekmovanja.
Thus far, we were only teasing our event, but now we think the time has arrived to slowly reveal what awaits you on this year's MokuMatsuri.
First, we would like to reveal the Weiß Schwarz card game tournament organised by our allied group Weiß Schwarz Slovenija. The tournament is also sponsored from the producer Bushiroad who is providing the prizes.
Pa ste ga končno dočakali! Peti dražilnik za naš festival MokuMatsuri: Yami no Shinzou je končno tu! Poleg že znanih informacij prinaša nadaljevanje zgodbe in razkritje glede lokacije našega dogodka. Tako je, s tem dražilnikom vam sporočamo, kje se bo letošnji Mokumatsuri odvijal, in sicer v Vetrinjskem dvoru, Vetrinjska ulica 30, Maribor.
The wait is over! The fifth teaser for our festival MokuMatsuri: Yami no shinzou is finally here! Next to already known information, it brings the continuation of the story and it reveals the location of our event. That's right; with this teaser, we inform you where this year's MokuMatsuri will be held, namely in Vetrinjski dvor, Vetrinjska ulica 30, Maribor.